10000 hours: The goal is not to become a master, but continually to pursue mastery with a purpose.
A Joint Venture to Develop Young Horses and Future Equine Professionals
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
--Calvin Coolidge

Stadium, George Morris Arena; Beginner Novice; The Alchemist, ridden by Lilah Frank; Tryon Equestrian Center.

The Alchemist, ridden by Lilah Frank; Beginner Novice; Cross Country; Tryon Equestrian Center.

Solstice Atlantice, ridden by Daisy Frank. Black Dog Farm, 2017; Plant City, FL.

Flying Diamond Anticipation ridden by Lilah Frank at Rocking Horse Stables Horse Trials, Winter I; Altoona, FL.

SEDA Schooling show at Lagniappe Equestrian Center, Training Level Dressage, ridden by Lilah Frank.

The Little Prince ridden by Lilah Frank, USEA Starter Division.

Jitterbug ridden by Lilah Frank, Kentucky Horse Park; Rolex Cross Country Course.

Jitterbug and Lilah Frank, second place at their first USEA Horse Trial at Holly Hill Farm in Benton, LA; Starter Division.

Andy and Lilah in a lesson with Ginny Harrison at Over the Moon Farm, 2015.

2014 USPC Championships/Festival at the Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, KY.

Jitterbug and Lilah Frank riding training level dressage at 2015 USDF Le Bon Temps Dressage Show.